Monday, July 12, 2010

Purpose and believing:

 Purpose + belief = efficiency and satisfaction

Here is a list of questions that we hardly know the answers. Do we really know the purpose of things that we do daily?? Do we try to know the purpose?? Do we do the things only for the sake of completing it?? In the process of doing the task we may have a question i.e. what am I doing?? (Blank, don’t know). After completing the task, why did I do?? Was this relevant to me!! These are the questions that haunt us and most of the time we don’t have any answer, which leads to lack of satisfaction and efficiency.

The confusion in our mind can be reduced by exploring the purpose of doing the task. As a lay man I don’t know the purpose of living life! Infact I’ve just started to explore it. But we should know the purpose of small things which we do daily. Before or after completing the task we have to know the purpose for our own satisfaction. For instance the purpose of going to college is to “gain knowledge” or to “have fun” or “both”, depends on the person. But when we don’t realize why we are going, the result is unsatisfactory. We all commit mistakes, that too big mistake due to not knowing the purpose. The purpose seems to be abstract, most of the time. It is always subject to change.

Purpose or beliefs are the two aspects which we ought to possess to gain satisfaction. They are inter-related. As I’ve mentioned in the above paragraphs, knowing the purpose of doing the task is very important. But to know or to explore the purpose we ought to believe in the things we do. It’s really hard to do the things which we don’t believe in. When you believe in certain thing it allows you to perform the task in a better manner, which is our goal. Expecting the good result without believing in it will not fetch us anything.  For most of the things that we do daily, we neither know the purpose nor do we believe in its value! Even then we’ll complete the task but get no satisfaction.

Do the things in which you are interested or if you’ve taken up the task without interest, do cultivate the interest towards it. That’ll surely enhance your efficiency. At some point you’ll start believing in it and perform the task in a better manner!!


Shruthi said...

Good one miss!! :)

Manu said...

3 idiots part 2,nice work

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

@ shruthi: thank u:)
@ zero cool: hehe;) thankx!!

Darshan said...

nice article..!! n the last two lines are really true.

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

yeah!! thank u:):)

Anonymous said...

Hi Shilpa, Good going.
Very true indeed. Most of the time we do not realize the very purpose of our existence.

You have the potential of becoming a good writer.
Start writing for journals & magazines.
I m very proud of you dear. Keep it up!!!!!

Nana Mam (Nagarathna)

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

thanks a lot mam:)!! im really glad you read it:)
thankx again!! really happy!!

Anonymous said...

oh god dude.....
wer did u get the brain fr tat?!
tats really awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
gr8 goin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

hey shilpa!
it was great one!!!!!
the real truth! :)
great work!! :D

Nidhi here :)

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

@namratha: thankx a lot:)

@nidhi: thank u so much:)

Unknown said...

hey!!again a wonderful piece of work!!!:):):)good job!!keep it up!!:):)n m really sorry for a very late reply!!

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

that's k meera!!! thankx a lot for reading it:)

suJay said...

seriously brilliant !!! keep it up :-) :-)
n nice to that d no. of followers r increasing :-) :-)

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

thanks a lot:) :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone is good at something or the other.. A person who believes that he is good at something will automatically do that thing better.. Cultivating interest in something as you continue to do it is fine in some cases.. But its not the case all the time.. Sometimes, we do things which we will never be interested in no matter how long you do it.., Also, developing interest is a double edged sword.. Understand that that when you continue to do something which you dont like.. "anyway i'm gonna do it for the rest of my life.. let me do it a better" this kind of interest is actually fragile and sometimes is the cause for a lot of frustration....

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

hey i so agree with u! but to avoid such frustration we can make the thing more interesting or attractive rather than telling i'm not interested... yea sometimes we'll do things that we aren't interested but those thing are which we ought to do or prone to do, so rather than doing it for the sake of finishing it , is better to cultivate interest and then sense the degree of satisfaction! and moreover it all depends on a person's mentality, when he really doesn't want to do a particular job he'll certainly make no effort to create interest towards it!!
may i know your name??