Thursday, November 25, 2010


We pretend:

Don’t we pretend to be happy?? Or pretend to be sad at times?? Yes we do! And we do it very sincerely.   We want to pretend to “envelop” our true emotion. Pretending is just showing wrong emotion. Many factors act upon a person which indeed makes him to pretend.  Few questions arise when we think about pretending, is it necessary to pretend?? If so can we justify the statement “I’m what I’m”?? By pretending something can we make the situation better or worse?? For all these questions there is no unanimity in answers.

It depends on the person’s value on which he leads his/her life. People, who don’t care about others won’t pretend in any situation. They speak their heart or mind out!  But most of us pretend to satisfy “others”. We just give up our own values and we stand correct for the statement “we are ‘not’ what we are always”. This attitude haunts us when we’re alone and we feel lonely. At the end of the day we sob because of subjugating the true feeling.

Pretending is a very difficult task and a complex phenomenon. Yet we pretend and get best actor or actress award by acting in a movie called “life”. We act and it’s reality. By the fear of being out-group in some situation, we pretend. Sometimes we even sacrifice our happiness, which is totally unhealthy. Happiness should be “shared” not be “scarified”. When you sacrifice you are left with nothing.

Pretending can make us and others distant from reality and true emotion can outburst anytime. So it’s better to tell what’s going on in one’s mind or heart. We’re not so courageous to do this always but we shouldn’t repent for pretending. Sometimes pretending can create misunderstanding between people. People who are very good at sensing other’s emotion won’t be comfortable when you pretend because they would know your true emotion. By pretending something people may interpret it in a wrong way, which makes us feel inferior.  We feel inferior because we are in search of perfect person who understand us in every walk of our life. How’ll he/she understand when you don’t show true emotion?? There are some special people who can make out that you are pretending! But very few!

Revive the “childhood emotion”! We were so transparent and there were no hidden feelings, yet people used to love us! But now we make so many adjustments and pretend many things to get that same “love”.  So is it necessary?? It’s necessary only in few situations “not always”.  Trust me; end of the day no one would know your true feeling and that really hurts.


Anonymous said...

too good !! ur amazing :) i loved it :):) bt i think sme time prtending is must ..coz one cant show its emotions all the time , people around might jst nt like that emotion .so its better to pretend at sme time of life ! faiza :)

Vaishu said...

Very very nice.....
May its the best post among the other things i have read now.......
Holds too good for the too people who donot know the values of just being themselves

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

yeah..!! thank u soo much :) :)

Rahul said...

wwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooowwwwwwwwww........ amazing...... and so true..... wooooooow... :)

Shilpa Nagaraj said...

thank u sooo much rahul :) :)